Age Division:
Tiny Mite 5-6-7
Mitey Mite 7-8-9
JR Peewee 9-10-11-12
Varsity 12-13-14-15-16
We're looking forward to the 2024 Cheerleading season. This is a huge commitment that both you and your child are about to undertake. Our goal is to make this season with the fun-filled learning experience. Participating in cheer-leading is a big commitment by both cheerleader and parent. Your cheerleader is part of a team and is making the commitment to herself and her team mates. If for any reason your child is not able to participate in Competitions please let us know immediately so the girls can practice properly.
Starting Date: August 1st, 2025
Preconditioning camps will begin on Monday, July 10th at Riverside Field. This may change as we get closer to season. Practice time is from 6:00pm – 8:00pm. Please come to the field with your cheerleader and go to the bleachers. We will introduce the coaches and then the cheerleaders will go to their prospective divisions to start their practice. There will be a MANDATORY PARENT MEETING once a month with dates to be announced shortly.
What to Wear:
Please make sure your cheerleader is ready for practices. This means DRESS APPROPRIATELY –
Soft shorts or some type of stretchy shorts. NO JEAN SHORTS, SKIRTS, SKORTS, etc.
It is requested that ALL cheerleaders wear bloomers or sliders under their cheer shorts.
T-shirts (not to big) or tank tops are fine. (NO spaghetti straps)
Sneakers – Sneakers with tied laces. No thick heel tennis shoes or Heely-type shoes (this is a safety issue and your daughter will not be able to participate.) .
No jewelry of any kind. They are not permitted to wear jewelry at practices or games. PLEASE do not let your daughter get her ears pierced, belly button, or anywhere right before season starts. They will not be able to participate. (Remember it takes 2-3 months of healing.)
Hair must be pulled back away from their face neatly.
Please make sure she has water or money to purchase a drink for practices
It is a great idea to label jackets, clothing, water bottles, jugs, etc. with your child’s name!
Practice nights and teams:
Once on their teams, practice nights prior to the school year will be 5 nights per week. Once school starts practices will go down to 3 nights per week and are determined the board of directors On the first night of team practice the coaches will re-introduce themselves to the cheerleaders and provide you contact information. They will also notify you of the 1st Team meeting (with parents) to provide and go over lots of information. Extra practices do get called throughout the season, they can be on other weekdays, weekends, BYE weekends, etc. This may be because the team is making up for practices that have been cancelled due to rain or because they are working on their competition routine. If you are planning any major trips (week or longer) during season, please consider how this may affect participation in cheer leading. They are a part of a team, and one cheerleader being absent can affect the whole team.
Keep your Coaches Informed:
If you have to leave the field during practice or you have made arrangements for another parent to be responsible for your child, please let the coach know. This is necessary information in case of emergency as well as possibly ending practice early for inclement weather.
Please be aware of practice times for your team(s). Our Coaches are not babysitters and are not required to stay. So please be on time to pick up your child from practice so our coaches, who also have families, can get home themselves.
Inclement Weather Plan:
The normal weather plan is that we will not cancel a night of practice due to rain until 6:00. Practice is cancelled by a member of the Executive Board. You never know if the weather will blow over or not, or if it even hit one area of town vs. another.
If we have to cancel a practice night before the players are on teams, we will do it from the field by notifying all the coaches and as many people as possible. Once the player is on their team, all the coaches will be notified once a decision has been made and they in turn will contact the Team Parent and parents to notify them.
Cheer Packages:
You are required to purchase a Cheer package which consists of all the items the cheerleader gets to keep (uniform rental, shoes, hair bows, backpack, and additional cheer gear items). The turtlenecks will not be given until we get closer to competition. ALL CHEER PACKAGES MUST BE PAID IN FULL, OR CHEERLEADER WILL NOT RECEIVE HER CHEER PACKAGE AND WILL NOT CHEER OR GO TO COMPETITIONS. No exceptions! If you need to make payments, Get in contact with Shelly Law and she will make arrangements with you. Cheerleaders will receive their cheer packages sometime during the week before the Jamboree.
Uniforms will be required to be turned back in after every game and will be distributed each Thursday, if for some reason your child is not there for Thursday practices you must make arrangements with the coach or the cheer coordinator for uniform pick up.
What else to expect and other activities:
Besides practices and games, we will be participating in additional activities which may include but not be limited to Fund-raising, spirit week, homecoming events, outside cheer leading competitions, and much more. Parent Appreciation Day/Homecoming Game: Designated home game day for the Spongers to thank our parents who support their children, teams, and the organization. Players escort their parents as they are announced at the beginning of each game.
Parent Participation:
As parents, you will be required to volunteer in our concession stand and/or other volunteer opportunities. You are also required to participate in all league/team fundraisers. This is a non-profit organization and the responsibility falls on all of us to do our part.
There will be a varsity schedule and additional event dates posted (all subject to change). Also, there are occasional weekend fundraisers for cheer teams as they prepare for competition. If you are planning any major trips (week or longer) during season, please consider how this may affect participation in cheer leading.
Cheer Competitions:
We support our cheer teams to participate in three cheer competitions. These girls spend lots of time perfecting a 3-minute routine!
We are scheduled for the following dates: TBA
Throughout the season we will be conducting fundraising to help offset the cost of competitions. Each child is expected to participate. Their participation will be recorded. If your child does not wish to participate in the fundraising you may opt. out by paying an opt out fee to be determined at a later date.
What other costs are there?
In addition to Registration and Cheer Packages, there are other costs that you may incur over season. The examples below are not all inclusive, but to give you an idea.
Entrance to Saturday games: $5
Cheerleader T-Shirts vary from $10 up
Parent T-shirts (optional) vary from $12 up
Outside Cheer competitions – Entry ~ $10-12, plus may be cost for parking
Game day drinks/snacks for team usually rotated among parents to provide.
We look forward to an exciting, fun-filled season